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Workshops, Training  and Supervision

Training and Workshops

Diana has a reputation as a talented and engaging trainer.

She has provided entertaining education sessions to the general public (including community groups, parent education evenings, and high school students) helping them gain a better understanding of general mental health issues.

She has provided training to volunteer workers and to professionals, such as crisis telephone counsellors, school teachers, and child protection social workers, about how to work effectively and compassionately with people experiencing mental health issues. 

Diana has delivered training to mental health professionals including lectures on child and youth mental health issues.
She has developed and facilitated a range of team training programmes for services on a wide range of topics including:
* Trauma Informed Care
* Risk management
* Ethics, Values and Boundaries
* Working Across the Life Span
* Talking Therapies

For the past 7 years, Diana has faciliated workshops for the Central Auckland Parents Centre's Baby And You course to new parents on Understanding and Managing Life Changes with a New-born Baby.


Diana has extensive experience providing high quality clinical supervision to a variety of mental health professionals, helping them develop professionally in a supportive learning environment.

She has also provided mentorship to service directors to assist them in these challenging roles.

If you are seeking either clinical or managerial supervision for health professionals, contact Diana to discuss how we can work together.